A Whole New Level

To be honest, I thought I was making more progress with my social media-ing.  I will admit that I have so much to learn.  I have been trying to listen and learn from some of the best.  People like Pamela Muldoon, who is a social media Goddess, and others.  I am patiently waiting for my copy of Chris Brogan’s book “Trust Agents” (when I say waiting, I mean I am number three on the list at the library.  Yes, the library!).

That said, I am woefully lacking in social media skills.  I do well on Facebook, I think, but LinkedIn, Twitter and the others fall by the way side or don’t get the attention they deserve.  I am aware that social media can be an amazing, even essential, tool for businesses.  But, it turns out, it can also be a tool for doing good. 

I received a message the other day from Robyn Flach, a friend I have met both online and off.  She is a great mentor and I have asked her opinion on more than one occasion because when it comes to all things social media or web-based, I trust her implicitly.  The message she sent included a link to her blog, and she asked me to say a prayer.  Ordinarily I don’t say prayers for someone I’ve never met, just willy-nilly, but this was Robyn asking.  It must be important.  It was and is.  The thing that struck me was the blog.  I’ll wait while you read…The acts of Chris Brogan and Darion Miller and Robyn are all so incredibly kind and selfless.  Most of this group did not know the others, yet did something for the others because they trusted them and believed in the act. 

Did the originators of Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, et.al have any idea this would happen?  That social media could be used in such a way as to enrich the lives of others?  To bring happiness, to rekindle a faith in the human spirit?  I don’t know if they did or not, but it certainly happened to me.

Have you used social media to do a  kind act?

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